On a more serious note, Dexter is a wonderful person, he conducted this interview with me over days of me being stupid, and putting it off, but finally we got it done. This band is full of wonderful people of whom I have never met, and probably never will, that play wonderful music that they enjoy, for others to enjoy. So please listen, read, and support.
I was reading an article on different porn stars and strippers who had been sued for whatever reason and I stumbled across "Tawny Peaks" who is this really hideous, very 90s looking woman with these enormous breasts who got sued for giving a dude whiplash when smacking him in the face with them and it was funny and phonetically appealing so we were like, "sure."
We always joke about getting sued by her for like stealing her name.
2. What do you currently have in the works after the eight song release?
We have a two song EP/B-sides sort of thing coming out hopefully by the end of the year. One sounds like a weirdo Braid song and one is something completely different that we really like but doesn't have much to do with anything else we've written or plan to write.
But I don't know what it'll sound like full band just yet or what we'll do with layering or production on that one so I don't wanna categorize it by genre just yet, but country seems like the closest for right now.
3. Would you say that is how your writing has changed since the first 3 songs?
I think the biggest difference is that initially Sam wrote the bulk of the parts to our songs and we sort of followed his lead, but now it's more of a collective effort. Like, Charlie wrote a good deal of More Proof and one of the new songs, and Ambiguity and the other new song are like Jonah songs.
The other difference is that now that we are all in separate places we really don't have as much time as we'd like to write songs.
Being in separate places does that make practice, or even a tour more of a harder thing to accomplish?
We've only done one tour and it was only a week so I dunno if it even qualifies, so I guess it'll become more clear how difficult it is when we tour in winter, but we definitely suck at practicing.
4. When did the band start up?, Do you see it lasting much longer?
We started in the spring of 2011. I think we will last as long as we want because we're not the most active band as it is, and we're all in the band as a result of us liking the music and each other, which sounds sort of cliche as far as band interviews go. If we get tired of the sound, we'll write something different. We'd probably just have to hate each other or let it fall by the wayside.
5. What's your incentive for the music?, is it just for the sake of liking it, or is there something more you wanted to do with it?
We are a band because it is fun, we all like playing our respective instruments and playing our songs and playing them at shows to people who hopefully like them.
We have no agenda, and no hopes beyond writing things we are like proud of and that other people enjoy listening to.
6. Where are you all from? How did you all meet?
We're all from Montclair, but are now scattered across the east coast. We all met by going to high school together and being in bands together before we hung out.
7. Do you feel that helps makes your band, stronger, I guess is the best word?
I guess, not especially though.
8. Would you say you're music has influences, or do you just write what you are good at?
Um, we all have separate influences, but I am not sure what they are exactly.
Sam listens to a lot of pop-punky/emo-y stuff and uses a lot of jazz in the way he writes.
Jonah likes a lot of indie and emo and screamo and more stuff like what we write.
Charlie listens to hardcore and Braid as far as I can tell.
and I lately have just been listening to whatever rap is on the radio and Neil Young.
I dunno if what we play reflects what we listen to, and we haven't played enough kinds of music as a group to be able to say if this is what we are good at writing.
Yeah, we do have influences, but I dunno if they are unified, but we are comfortable playing with each other when it comes to what we do play.
9. This may be someone of a restatement of you all knowing each other before the band, but Tawny Peaks being somewhat knew, do you feel that the bands you were all in previously adequately prepared you or, maybe even gave you experiences to make this band better than the ones previous?
The first band I personally was in, I played guitar in and Charlie played bass in. That experience I can comfortably say made this band better because it was immediately clear I shouldn't play guitar in a band.
On a more serious note, all the bands we've been in I would say have made us more comfortable with like writing with other people and like playing in a band.
Like we've all been playing in bands for a relatively short time, and most of that time we have been in bands together.
Being in other bands made little things easier, like booking shows, and knowing people, but as a whole this experience has challenged each of us to be better at playing by itself and isn't an extension of any previous band's existence.
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