Warren Franklin is a glorious man! He plays some amazing jams out of Rockford, IL so if anyone is ever near the vicinity I expect you to try and see. Here is an interview with the man himself as well as a link to bandcamp. People really need to listen to the words they are putting out, and stay updated for the new stuff they having coming, I have heard, and it is spectacular.
1. What is the name Warren Franklin? Is it you, who is it, where did it come from?
It's me!!!! If I were female my parents would have named me Natalie. So there is that.
2. All your songs seem to be from personal experience, lyrically, does that influence the writing in any way? How are the songs usually put together?
All of the songs I write at home on a crappy out of tune acoustic. A lot of them start with a few chord changes I might have in mind that I'll build off. Then I'll work on a melody without any real words with either gibberish or humming. The lyrics are almost always the last thing I'll do for a song, but yes they are always very personal. I wish I could write in metaphors or with a bit more poetry, but the way it always comes out best for me is very blunt and to the point with specific references. That style of writing is very natural for me even if it does become a bit awkward.
3. Has the writing between each albums changed, how you write, the songs, their tone, the words?
Absolutely! For ''Stray'' and ''Your Heart Belongs to the Midwest'' I was writing songs never knowing if a band would ever play them. After we recorded the new EP ''Every Letter and Souvenir'' where we redid songs from the past albums with a full band arrangement and touring with this band extensively. it came time to write the new full length and i was writing with everyone I play with in mind. I was writing to their strengths and with the excitement of hearing them interpret my ideas, and that has changed the tone of this new record dramatically. Dare I say, it's the most personal lyrics I've put to paper yet. We have been arranging the new songs and we just played 4 of them at a show in Chicago. I felt they were very well received.
4. Is there a tour in works right now? What new releases can we expect?
No tour in the works at the moment. We have 2 releases for this year, one for next . We have an EP called ''Every Letter and Souvenir'' that features the song I sent you heart and 4 songs from ''Your heart'' and ''Stray'' redone with full band arrangements. For sometime this winter, a split with Mikey Erg, former front man of Jersey pop-punk sensation The Ergs, where we cover each others songs, and the new full length tentatively called ''Namesakes'' for next year.
5. When did the band start up? And how much longer do you see it lasting?
I have been playing solo acoustic for a very long time. The band came into the picture about a year and a half a go. I'm having a blast playing with them so I see it lasting for many years to come!
6. Can you give some insight on the extraordinary members of the band, or who have been in the band thus far?
The band we have now that is playing on the recordings is ..Stewart Oakes playing drums, who is now the new drummer for my best buds, Joie De Vivre. He is a great friend of mine and I feel like he brings the pain on the drums. Anthony Sanders is on keys, he is in an amazing band called The Island of Misfit Toys. He has become a big part of what I like about how our band sounds, and is one of the best musicians I know. Evan Loritsch is on bass. He is also in Island, and he also brings the pain. We also have Keith Latenin from Empire Empire ( I was a Lonely Estate) play 2nd guitar which is a pleasure, and Mark Jaeschke plays all those catchy horn parts. He is in a band with Eric from Dowsing called Kittyhawk.
7. Do you feel the location of your band helps your music getting out? Being better with shows, or that IL is near Michigan which some may dispute as one of the bigger places for the scene nowadays?
Yeah man! The Midwest is where it's at. I love sooo many bands in this area, and I met Keith, who runs Count Your Lucky Stars, at a show in IL!
8. What is one thing you want to say to all the people who listen to your music, and who may or may not read this, or who attend your shows? Something for them to keep in mind when they see you play.
Mainly I would just like them to know that I'm thankful to anyone who listens to the records and comes to the shows. I'm having a great time doing this, and I will continue to write until I have nothing to write about.
9. The first line, in your new song, is " You're feeling down, cause your favorite bands are all breaking up." Does this have any stasis in personal favorites, or does the line, " You can't love me the way you wanted to.", show a more personal, directional song?
Most of my favorite bands are still going strong! That lyric was based on a friend who just had a string of his favorite bands break up on him. Two of them at the time were Joie De Vivre and Snowing. What's funny is this same kid ended up joining joie playing trumpet for them in Europe. That line may seem a bit out of place but the idea of the nostalgia in relationships and with your favorite bands ties it together for me
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