Sunday, December 25, 2011

I Create Interview (The interview that broke my heart)

(Music is on the blog)
(all time favorites)

1. I Create, who creates,? What is the meaning behind your name?

Wesley: It was the only name everyone could agree on. I believe it was the name of my brothers (joal) live journal back in the day. I remember throwing around a lot of ideas for names, though. We were seriously considering naming it "space bears in space suits" at one point. In retrospect, I wish we did because I think I Create is the name of some apple product and/ or magazine, which is sort of a bummer. 

2. Such emotion and feeling in your songs, who is the driving force behind this?

Wesley: Everyone who was ever in the band had his own contributions. I can speak for my brother and I when I say that growing up we always liked very emotive music. On top of that, we never really had an agenda. We all just sort of came together and played as friends and mutual friends. When we first started writing , it was the first time my brother and I had never attempted a musical project together. I was always just his little brother who he probably didn't take too seriously. So in the beginning it was this awkward and innocent combination of me and my buddies (josh and robert), and joal and his friend (daniel). We were all so much younger then too. I think a certain amount of emotion can only be captured in youth like that.

3. Is the writing collaborative between each member of the group, or more of a piecing together, or a one man show?

Wesley: It was never a one man show. Joal, Robert, and myself were the only members to be in i create from the beginning until the end. We never really had a set formula for writing or anything. Most of us could play every instrument in the band, so it was really easy for everyone to contribute.

4. Where the fuck are the new tunes?

Wesley: We released one song off of what was supposed to be a split with a florida band. Things just really fell apart and we were never financially capable of doing it. After a while it just felt like we were beating a dead horse by continuing on, and almost became laughable. I still have one of the instrumental tracks sitting on my computer right now, and will probably put it up as just that at some point. We also have a pretty extensive collection of "b-sides," if you will, that were never put up. They are mainly just home recordings and other sloppy stuff like that. Not really anything "new."

5. Are you still very active?

Wesley: Not at all. I create is completely done, and will be forever. As far as ex members go, we are all fairly active. Joal and I are in the process of writing an ep. Josh is playing in Atlanta band, "the clap", Robert is playing in, "a fight for life", Matt is playing in "memes", and I am in the processing of writing some solo stuff. 

6. How much praise do you still get from your old music,? I love the songs so much still and I have been listening to them for years now?
Wesley: More than I understand! It has always been beyond us how many people appreciated our music. I have always been super flattered/ weirded out that people actually dug our stuff. Not that I thought it was bad or anything, but we never expected it to have such a response. We never toured or anything, and only put out a few low budget recordings. We also never meant to be considered "screamo" or "scramz. Honestly when we started out, we intended to be a sludge metal band. Those "scramz revivalists" sure took to us though which was pretty cool. When we put out "make the years", our ages were 15,16,17,19, and 21. We were some young saplings then. It is pretty cool to still be hearing about in now at age 22.

7. Are shows a common thing? What do you see happening in the future with the group, it would be a shame for nothing to be happening.

Wesley: Definitely nothing happening with the future as i create, but as mentioned before, there should be some pretty cool music coming out by the various members. A last show is probably unlikely too because our home town doesn't have nearly as much love for us as compared to other areas, especially Europe. So in all actuality, nobody would probably show up from our home town other than friends and a few rando's.

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