Friday, December 23, 2011

Spanish Club Interview

(the music is already on the blog)
(this is an interview)

1. Spanish Club, as a name, what does it mean?

Well, first off, Spanish Club doesn’t mean a damn thing as a name. We just wanted something fun and figured that Spanish Club was a fun name for a fun band. Take it as you want it but we just want to have a good time and make friends.

2. You went from stay miserable to the split with Constellations, do you think the tracks got better and what did you change?

As for the transition from the demo to the split, I think (just speaking for myself) that we got better as a band and have started writing better material. It’s like the demo was us learning and forming as a band and the split is kind of a sneak peak of where we’re going next. The only thing we changed really was the tuning we played in. I think the split tracks are also more cohesively songs as well.

3. What do you expect to come of playing shows?

Uhhh as for shows, this will be our third. Mostly because we have buys schedules and things aren’t as concrete as people make them out to be, but I can only hope that we get a good crowd response because that is what makes it all worth it, seeing people having fun and doing their thing while we do ours and have fun on stage.

4. You’re starting to make more of a name for yourselves, with talk of merchandise, this being the marking point for every band, what is your ultimate goal?

I don’t know about the rest of the guys but my ultimate goal is to just have fun and make friends and travel a bit. I hope that we can develop a fan base to the point where we play a show kids sing along and have a good time. That’s what it’s all about.

5. Why do you guys play your music, who or what is the reason, what drives you?

I think I can speak for the whole band and say that we all play music because it’s really fucking fun first of all haha. I don’t know what other motives that Mike and Spencer have but it’s a healthy release for me to kind of channel my thoughts (whether they be positive or negative) in a healthy creative way.

6. Tell the strengths that each member brings to the band.

I don’t think that I can put a finger on what each of us brings to the table really. All that I know is that everyone has a very unique energy about them and we all work together and enjoy being around each other.

7. Where will you go from the split, above and beyond?

I really hope we can go above and beyond! Haha Personally I want to tour and eventually release a full length. I don’t want to be another short lived emo band. Although a lot of them have brought a lot to the table and I couldn’t love what they do enough I wish they would have stuck around longer as do most people I’m sure. I know the feeling of a band you really like breaking up. It’s the worst and I don’t want to do that to our fans (not any time soon at least).

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