Friday, December 30, 2011

Speedboat Salesmen

(These guys)
(well these guys)
(are rad, creative, and very up and coming)

1. Who is a Speedboat Salesmen? Where is the name from?


The name comes courtesy of the stellar performances put in by Paul Reubens and Tracey Walter, FBI agents Bob and Bill respectively in the 1996 runaway hit Matilda. They both pose as Ace Powerboat Salesmen in a bid to out the antics of Harry Wormwood dealing in stolen car parts.

I reminisce about the 90's a lot....Ace Powerboat Salesmen became Speedboat Salesmen for reason of sibilance.

2. Tell about the transition of style and sound from the We're not Cops, We're Speedboat Salesmen to October Demos?


I think we're not cops is very rough. you can tell we'd only known each other for 4 weeks or something stupid like that. It was all very sketchy and noisy and i think collectively we took a lot of influence from the lo-fi stuff like Midwest Pen Pals and the raw energy of the early Snowing stuff.

Our stuff now is slowly moving towards a similar vibe to the emo scene in Florida with bands like Wavelets, Dikembe and You Blew It and i think there are hints of that in the october demos.

There's more thought into structure and hooks

3. When was this started and how long do you think it will last?


The band?...I replied to an ad Chris put out around Easter time in 2011, I was really keen to get onboard with this and actually sent over a resume detailing everything I'd done. I don't quite know how impressive Chris found it....

It was a really well written resume, I was super impressed!

How long will we last? Haha, my ex asked me how long we'd last once...and now she's my ex....

Seriously though, I'd like to think we can do this for a while yet. For me, I
have loads of fun playing in this band as long as it's still fun i'll
try keep it going.

4. Who is the driving force behind the songs and the lyrics like in Man the Fuck Up? Some bitch?




Oh damn. A lot of the lyrics were written a while back all about one girl i was trying to win over and then whenever i wrote some guitar I'd try fit some of the lyrics to it. Man the Fuck Up isn't actually about the same girl though, it's about an ex ha...

The main driving force is just relationships though both with girls and with old friends and stuff, like a lot of emo songs i guess?

5. Is the music scene in the UK more accepting than the U.S.? Do you feel like you have more of a fan base in either one? or about the same?


I think I have witnessed how good it is in the UK lately-playing with Football etc, the scene is like one big cooperative that is naturally accepting without overtly stating this to anybody who happens to come to shows.


I think there's less bullshit here as we know we can't afford it haha. I keep seeing internet arguments between US bands in the same 'scene' or whatever you want to call it but here we know it's a more much niche market so we all just stick together and keep each other's backs.

I never know how to judge our fanbase. Most of it is just people who've found us through the bands we're friends with but then occasionally we'll get some person from the states message us saying how they like our stuff and I'm always quite taken aback by that ha. It's why the internet is so ace for getting music out there

6. What are the future plans for the band?


Play as many shows and record as many songs as possible, make friends, hang out, have fun. In an ideal world I'd love to release some vinyl, record an album and get on a decent label comp like topshelf or something.

7. Is there plans for a jump across the water to let us get a first hand look at you guys?


That'd be the dream, if we can work it out...lets do it!


I wish. it's something I'd love to do. I'd love to play fest or something....maybe in 2013/2014 or something.

We'd definitely need to build up our state side fanbase more. Hopefully if we keep working on our material and get a really good release out, people over there will take more notice and there'll be demand for us to come over.

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