Friday, December 30, 2011

Sunday League

(another in the UK)
(so nice and tasty)
(one of the best interviews)

Hello, I'm Foxy (though I was christened as Nathan) I play guitar and I'll be your interviewee for the evening.

1. Why the name Sunday League?

Sunday League came around one evening when we the band, in it's original form, and a few close friend were having a quiet night in. We were discussing how our friend, who lets say for data protection purposes is called "John" looked like one of those 90's football dads. Like he was sporting a mullet and a moustache and resembled one of those dads who coaches his son's sunday league football team. We then decided Sunday League sounded a funny name for a band who couldn't play football to save their lives. The X between Sunday and League is not an official thing at all just a long running joke, just incase anyone was wondering.

2. I also interviewed Speedboat Salesmen, now I don't know if you're friends or anything, but they say the music scene there is more of a niche and tight nit, do you agree?

Yeah we're actually putting on Speedboat early January and we're looking forward to seeing them live. I agree with what they're are saying for the most part however that's not to say the "scene" is perfect, you still encounter the same bullshit bitching, elitism and arse kissing you see in every music scene. But we're not particularly bothered by what happens in the "scene". We're just here to have fun, play loudly and party with new and old friends.

3. How much do you feel your sound changed from the Demos to The Hall and Oates Sessions?

Massively to answer that shortly. D(emo) we tried to replicate the noodly/twinkly/sloppy 90's emo sound, Hall and Oates we tried to put our own spin on it make it a bit more polished etc. HOWEVER I think people who are into us may get a big surprise with the next release. It's quite a big change, a lot more mature, a lot better structured and thought out, a lot more aggression and NO LONGER NOODLY EMO just genuinely a hell of a lot better (or that's our opinion anyway).

4. When did this band start, and where will this band go?

The band started early 2010, lost a couple of members here and there, but this finally settled line up has been together for around 8 months and we're so happy. We're extremely close friends who enjoy each others company and shit crack. All good things come to an end eventually but I don't think that'll be for a while and then we'll probably start another better band with exactly the same line up.

5. What are the future goals of the band?

Currently we've written 3 songs that are going to be part of a full length release, like real rock bands do. So we're hoping to have everything written and recorded and ready to release by next summer. We've always dreamed of putting something out on vinyl so this is the only real goal we've got. Obviously we might go on tour for a week but thats more of a holiday with your best mates than a goal, so that'll definitely be on the cards.

6. Who influences your songs and your writings, whether it's lyrics or just other band influences?

As horribly cliche as it I find that our songs seem to just be written and constructed in regards to how we're feeling at that specific period. The demo tracks were really upbeat and happy because we all seemed to be super chuffed that we were having fun in a new band. But then I listen to these new songs and they're really a lot darker, more aggressive, more negative and I think thats due to the four of us having a really shit year with lots of personal rubbish going on. We appreciate but we're not really massively influenced by other bands so i'll just go with life.

7. Do you strive to someday jump across the ocean and bring your sweet tunes to the U.S.?

We don't strive for it, that would imply that we're taking this seriously. If the opportunity arose then we'd no doubt love to, but nah we probably never will and I don't think we're that fussed like I say we just want to play gig and party and meet new friends in the UK for the meantime.

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