Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Heffa Peppa, Rosetta Setta Interview!

(crafty man)
(great music)

Brandon Beglin: Haha alright! We have Eric Rhodes from Heffa Peppa doing an interview with us today! Eric where the heck did that name come from?

Eric Rhodes: Well
I'm a huge fan of watership down
both the book and the movie
and in Watership Down
the rabbits have "rabbit" slang
and Heffa Peppa Rosetta Setta sounded like something that they'd say
That's why
and because it was a really anoying name too

Brandon Beglin: Man thats a great name! I've actually never seen that movie or read that book, it sounds like a band, i almost started to search it before you finished your sentence haha. When did you start up the band?

Eric Rhodes: back in late 2009, as a way to simply have a "band" to release my silly folk songs with.

Brandon Beglin: So it was just an outlet for you?

Eric Rhodes: Pretty much

Brandon Beglin: Well how has your music changed since '09?

Eric Rhodes: PLenty
Integrated much from the world of Avant Gard Music
and Punk
whatever comes to mind
I don't hold back

Brandon Beglin: Haha so you just go through your flow! Does your amazing mustache help with this?

Eric Rhodes
I honestly shaved it off a few days ago just to see my face again. I haven't seen it in over a year, but it is an amusing source of inspiration.
And I promise it will be back soon.

Brandon Beglin: You're a monster how could you do something like that! Well what do you have planned with your music right now? I know you have something going on with Marshal already but what else?

Eric Rhodes: Well, I've got about five or six albums recorded and ready.
But I'm not truly ready to let the world hear 'em.
We'll see
its a new year.
But currently,
I am working with a Death Metal band and this Progressive punk/metal/rock/jazz band
but as far as HPRS
I've got a weird fucking album comming out soon
been working on it for five monthsd

Brandon Beglin: Is Heffa Peppa just all you? Or do you get others on the records as well?

Eric Rhodes: well, on some I've had a few various friends assist
Like my buddy Ian
Who's a great Bassist and Drummer
as well as harmonizing singer
and I work with this crazy dude Mike a lot too.
He just jams mostly
and I record it
but, mostly, its me mostly.. . .
Mostly. . .

Brandon Beglin: Damn haha! What do you want to do besides put out more music? Do you play shows often? or tour anything like that

Eric Rhodes: hahah
three questions at once.
1st: I want to sit in a dark room for a few years and write more music. I hate being bothered while I write, but unfortunately I am constantly.

Eric Rhodes: 2nd: I haven't played too many shows lately. Last year was a tough year for me and the rest of the world and I only played maybe fifteen shows. Only like five as HPRS though.
3rd: I haven't been on tour since last Summer when I played with Fair Root for a tour they did with Suis La Lune. But soon I will be Touring with the death metal band Infernaeon. Not sure when though.

Brandon Beglin: Damn, Thats been a long time, but does the creative juices ever run out?

Eric Rhodes: But I'd say for only about a month's worth of time every year
I write everyday almost
sometimes three or four songs
sometimes one.

Brandon Beglin: Is there any person or group that you want to play with?

Eric Rhodes: sometimes.

Brandon Beglin: haha what does that mean?

Eric Rhodes: I could boast and tell you that I've written around one hundred thousand songs in my life, but I wouldn't expect anyone to believe me.
oh yeah
If I could play with Kayo Dot I would cry probably.
Or if Eugene Robinson of OXbow were to sing on one of my tracks I'd shit myself.
or Toby Driver of Kayo Dot.
And depending on the time of the year, my alcohole consumption, who's around, who alive, etc etc. . . it all varies
anything else?

Brandon Beglin: Haha do you mean do I have more questions?

Eric Rhodes: oh yeah

Brandon Beglin: who were your influences starting out?

Eric Rhodes: hahah
311, Ramstein, and Morbid Angel.
but over the years, my biggest influences have ended up being Jeromes Dream, Kayo Dot, John Zorn, Korovakill, and Virus.
oh and Xiu Xiu

Brandon Beglin: haha theres just always more to add to the list! Where are you playing music out of right now?

Eric Rhodes: Well, I live in Maryland. I mostly play around Baltimore and my Local of Carroll County.
Not so much D.C, but I have been seen there too.
PA a lot last year.

Brandon Beglin: Is the local area accepting of your music?

Eric Rhodes: hahah
it depends
With my odd band Chloe Sevigny in Kids
it is fairly accepting
my old band R&r was a "hit"
but I used to be in a few bands that were "worshiped" to an extent in my youth.

Brandon Beglin: haha Why dont you just list the ones you were in for all these people!

Eric Rhodes: hahahah
A Farmer's Daughters, The Mantis Greenhouse, Temple up in Flames, Noise Grinded Faggot, Infernaeon, Valdreg, Vongaunt, R&r, the Creep, Chloe Sevigny in Kids, Heffa Peppa Rosetta Setta
a few short stints in Foretold, Fair Root, and My tank is Fight!.

Brandon Beglin: and are these openly available to poeple haha?

Eric Rhodes: some are
some aren't
I'll give ya some links

Brandon Beglin: haha awesome! Ill upload them if i can! Well do you see your music stopping anytime soon?

Eric Rhodes: what do you mean by stopping?
do you mean do I plan of giving up?
or my juices running dry?
plan on**

Brandon Beglin: either or haha

Eric Rhodes: well
never really
Music is all I've got
its all I have ever been able to rely on.
Without it I would not exist.

Brandon Beglin: Dang well atleast we know there will always be something coming from you! alright want your last question?

Eric Rhodes: sure

Brandon Beglin: What have you learned from all your bands and your music or anything in the years since you first began playing any shit like that?

Eric Rhodes: phew.
I've learned to be cautious with who you play with.
I've learned that no madder what, I like what I write best.
I've learned that I need to learn how to play the ORgan Better.
I've learned that Music is life.
That sticking it out is what it takes.

Brandon Beglin: Wow man, thank you so much for the opportunity to interview you and giving me the time, youre a great man with some great tunes!

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