Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Hundred Acre Woods Interview!

(their music is on here)
(wonderful interview)
(with two great guys)

Brandon Beglin: Alright! We have the always sexy Zack Reinhardt here to do an interview for the much love The Hundred Acre Woods! Now Zack how did this awesome name come along?

Zack Reinhardt: well, a nickname of winthrop's from when he was much younger was "winnie"
and he came to me when we were talking about starting this band, and he suggests the hundred acre woods as a name
and I thought it was good
soo yup

Brandon Beglin: haha who gave him that? Its better than good!

Zack Reinhardt: I'm not sure actually, it was from when he was little. before I knew him

Brandon Beglin: Oh damn, and when did you guys all meet each other and when did you start the band?

Zack Reinhardt: we met in high school and knew our other friend kacey from playing shows around our area,
it was the three of us in the beginning, and its grown from there

Brandon Beglin: haha Well how has your music changed through all the different releases?

Zack Reinhardt: well its grown with us significantly
I feel like the music we write is very consistant with how we are in our current place in life and situation, etc.
that goes to everyone, really, I suppose
but its shown through in ours I guess even more, so we're told
our first EP, Land Development we were all still in high school
with the LP, it grows slightly, but its very different throughout. winthrop was finishing high school and I had gone to school in philadelphia.
we were at very different places in life

Brandon Beglin: So were you guys very far apart during the LP? How did that get done?

Zack Reinhardt: lots and lots and lots of time and home recording
I think from when we first started tracking things that ended up being on the album, to the time we finished it, it was almost a year
whenever I was home for long enough, I'd just go to winthrop's and record until the morning
we'd go all night
he had a studio set up in a cedar closet in his basement
under the stairs

Brandon Beglin: Damn that really shows how committed you guys are to the band! Most when they go off to school they just forget about it and start new shit for some reason, its sad. So do you feel like you're in the first Harry Potter movie when youre in the studio?

Zack Reinhardt: yeah, thats just being lazy I think
at that point, the option of throwing it away wasn't even a thought

Zack Reinhardt: but yeah, I was just trying to think of a good harry potter joke before you mentioned it, haha

Brandon Beglin: Haha I was trying to think of a good fat ass Dudley joke jumping on the stairs above! Has there ever been a point where throwing it away was an option?

Zack Reinhardt: never
I'm in film school at temple
and honestly
I consider this band as much of an option as making films is.
I mean, I'm no stanley kubrick

Brandon Beglin: So if you guys have a video, I didn't want to say music video it sounds to VH1ish, hhaha, does going to film school help with that? Knowledge wise?

Zack Reinhardt: we have a handful, I made some of the earlier ones, and film school helps of course, but winthrop did the most recent one with iMovie and his phone.
so who needs film school, really
bob dylan dropped out of college

Brandon Beglin: Haha Dominic told me to ask you about when you filled in for Spanish Clubs' first show! How was that?! Do you fill in often? You sound like the nicest man in town!

Zack Reinhardt: haha, Dom.
yeah, I play a lot of intruments, and I knew the song
and spanish club is rad
and it happened to be my favorite song of theirs also

Brandon Beglin: Ha which song was it? Kevin Barr?

Zack Reinhardt: Patch Job
me and dom both share an obsession for bicyclee
addiction* to bicycles
my friend jill made a THAW drinking game
one thing you drink on is any mention of bikes

Brandon Beglin: Damn, Kevin Barr is mine! Haha Dom is a great guy we have become pretty good friends I'd say! Would you both consider a tandem bicycle? So I think you and Dom would be done in that game early on haha, Has there been a stand out show for THAW?

Zack Reinhardt: Well, it gets better every time really
so I'd say our best was earlier tonight actually
but we've played a lot of especially rad shows though
we played with joe jack from Dead Milkmen once
and our EP release was super crazy

Brandon Beglin: What about a show that you played with another band that you especially wanted to play with?

Zack Reinhardt: well being in philly is great because I'm constantly playing shows with my friends' bands all the time. which also happen to be all my favorite bands
skin cells, girl scouts, stinky smelly, old people, roof doctor
the list goes on

Brandon Beglin: If you live in Philly them come watch Dom play in my basement on the 14th! What were your guys' influences when you started up?

Zack Reinhardt: oh shit! thats your house?
we're playing philly that night, but otherwise i would be there
hmm, well we were all really into the avett brothers when we started THAW
but more recently I don't know what we could compare it to or sight a specific influence
winthrop and I both listen to a HUGE rang of different music, so that lends itself to our sound I'd suppose

Brandon Beglin: Yeahp thats my place! Damn Damn Damn  I think its better if your music has no comparison, What are you guys doing right now, like what do you have in the works?

Zack Reinhardt: we're still mostly promoting the new self titled EP, but we've been working on some goodies to keep people occupied

Brandon Beglin: haha so you have stuff saved up for when people get restless?

Zack Reinhardt: I mean, there no secret vault or anything, haha
we've been in the studio this week though
and we're headed back again soon
always keeping busy

Brandon Beglin: How often do you make the trip to the studio?

Zack Reinhardt: this was the first time we'd been back since finishing the EP, actually. so we're not always there, but winthrop and I are always recording on our own. demos and such

Brandon Beglin: Do you both have solo projects other that THAW?

Zack Reinhardt: we used to, but not really anymore
although there are songs I write that don't end up as THAW that I've been thinking about revisiting
but its on a long list of things I'd like to be doing with little free time I have

Brandon Beglin: So you dont see THAW losing any momentum in the near future I hope?

Zack Reinhardt: hope not, haha

Brandon Beglin: Winthrop is on! well he just accepted my request

Zack Reinhardt: I was actually just putting some mailers together to mail CDs out
ah yeah! invite him to the party!

Brandon Beglin: Mail me one of them dawgs! I did but it started a new thing so we will jump to the other?

Brandon Beglin: Winthrop joins the interview!

Zack Reinhardt: yo mang

Brandon Beglin: haha I dont think he is on

Winthrop Stevens: Hey dudes what's up?

oZack Reinhardt: blogerview parteee

Brandon Beglin: awe shit! Winthrop this is the THAW interview

Zack Reinhardt: welcome

Brandon Beglin: welcome welcome

Winthrop Stevens: Damn! Rad that's awesome, Sup dudes

Brandon Beglin: Not much! Okay lets get your take on this, any good Harry Potter jokes for the studio under the stairs?

Winthrop Stevens: Haha, none that I can think of

Zack Reinhardt: that was some magic though, fitting the harp in there

Zack Reinhardt: yeah, that happened

Brandon Beglin: Damn, we couldn't either, and I assume you also don't think that THAW will lost any momentum in the future do you?
Ill believe it when I see it Zack

Zack Reinhardt: there is photo proof

Brandon Beglin: Then Prove it, and I will put it up with the interview haha

Winthrop Stevens: I think that as long as we're all still having fun we'll continue being a band. And right now playing with my closest friends I don't see anything changing any time soon
I'm having more fun than ever

Brandon Beglin: Awesome! So how did you get the nickname winnie when you were little and the inspiration for the name
of the band

Zack Reinhardt: hahah

Winthrop Stevens: Haha, I guess kids just started calling me that as a kid and it kind of stuck with me. I always hated it but one day I thought it might also fit into the name. The funny thing is my dad says that he used to get called the same thing when he was little

Brandon Beglin: haha What do you think was one of the best shows youve played, Zack dont tell him what you said I wanna see what he says!

Winthrop Stevens: I think the best show we've played was this past November at Maggot House in North Philly. Those guys are our close friends and know how to put on a show better than anyone. I've never seen a house that has shown more love than they do, we owe them a ton. Playing with the guys in Girl Scouts was fantastic too

Brandon Beglin: Haha and what about some of your influences musically starting the band?

Winthrop Stevens: I think starting out I got really into a lot of bands like Defiance, Ohio and Andrew Jackson Jihad but as time has gone on I have gravitated more to roots music on a whole. Old Crow Medicine Show, Hank Williams, and Doc Watson are some favorites of mine. And I have to show The Avett Brothers some serious love

Brandon Beglin: Zack said the Avett Brothers, but I expected Hawthorne Heights to be thrown in there

Zack Reinhardt: I actually sang vocals for a hardcore band once when I lived in west virginia
fuck not hawthorne heights
shit is weak

Brandon Beglin: hahha dont deny your love for them, When did you guys start to grow past three people in the band?

Winthrop Stevens: Haha yeah, I think we collectively abstain from them. I can't speak for Pat

Zack Reinhardt: hahaha
wait wait, can I have a request?

Brandon Beglin: Wait till he sees this, a request?

Zack Reinhardt: withrop can take it from here?

Winthrop Stevens: Sure, I got this

Brandon Beglin: Yeah thats not a problem at all

Zack Reinhardt: oh wait nevermind, missed the joke
but do go on

Brandon Beglin: I'am confused now haha
damnit zack you made me look stupid, we promised

Winthrop Stevens: But we pretty much formed as a three piece, then became four, then went back to a three piece and fell apart for a few months. After that Will hopped on to play banjo and our friend Nick played bass for a while. Now Pat plays bass and produces and we know a lot of people who play drums so that changes from show to show, as well as anyone else who wants to add their voice, instrument, etc. I guess we are part band part collective in a way

Brandon Beglin: You guys just throw everything together thats crazy, so does the people playing a show with you determine what songs are played?

Zack Reinhardt: sometimes, but everyone knows most of the songs
but everyone also brings their own musical style to it
so its always changing

Brandon Beglin: Well then how about touring? Who goes with you and who stays behind?

Zack Reinhardt: whoever can make it really.

Winthrop Stevens: Yeah I think we've pretty much played and practiced everything enough times with everyone that we all feel pretty comfortable regardless of who is playing. But Zack is right, everyone brings their own take

Zack Reinhardt: and with our trip to baltimore, the lineup changed about three times within the week before

Winthrop Stevens: Haha true

Zack Reinhardt: makes us flexible as well

Brandon Beglin: Thats crazy its like good to have interchangeable people but not good sometimes, how far west have you toured?

Zack Reinhardt: haha, not at all

Winthrop Stevens: But the lineup for the most recent "tour" I guess was Zack and I as well as Will and Pat played drums, P.j. from Girl Scouts played bass

Zack Reinhardt: we may play kutztown in the near future. and we have connections we hope to take advantage of in ohio and west virginia. even as far as austin and georgia

Winthrop Stevens: And yeah nothing West yet but I would love to, that would be so fun

Brandon Beglin: Well how far west would you like to go? Go to Oklahoma I can probably get you something there and its an hour from Texas

Zack Reinhardt: we'll see

Winthrop Stevens: That would be incredible!

Zack Reinhardt: truth

Brandon Beglin: I could probably set it all up even though I dont live there anymore if someone got the venue just tell me a date or some shit haha,

Winthrop Stevens: Haha, we'll definitely keep it in mind for the future

Brandon Beglin: You're the best, both of you! Well this interviw has been great! But I have to cut it after this one last question Dom is going crazy with anticipation to read it since I told him i name dropped him, but in all your years of making music together what have you learned from it or how have you changed as people or a group?

Zack Reinhardt: thats a hard one for 2am

Brandon Beglin: do it!

Winthrop Stevens: I think the most valuable thing I've learned is don't sweat the little things and just focus on having fun and working together

Zack Reinhardt: what he said

Brandon Beglin: See Winthrop could do it
that doesnt count zack

Winthrop Stevens: Because in the end the music is what it is all about and everything else will fall into place in some sense if you can just vibe off of one another

Brandon Beglin: Winthrop is still pumped from the show earlier haha great fucking answer man! And thank you both so much for giving me this chance to interview you both!

Zack Reinhardt: quite welcome, sir
hope the show goes well next week
wish I could make it

Winthrop Stevens: No problem dude! And thank you so much for interviewing us, it's really cool of you to do so and it means an awful lot

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