Saturday, January 7, 2012

The Typist Interview!

(music soon)

Brandon Beglin: Alright, lets get this started, you guys are a band based out of Altus, Oklahoma, but for most people they wouldn't know much of anything that has come out of there, does this hinder your music at all, your area?

Justin Strickland: I suppose some might view small town life as limiting. I don't feel it has limited us in any degree. In fact, I think it has contributed largely to the spirit and work ethic within The Typist.

Brandon Beglin: That's awesome, since I lived there I understand what you mean, now why the name the Typist, and when did it all start?

Justin Strickland: The Typist is a name that Matt assumed before we all came together alttle over a year ago. It all started six, almost seven years ago when we were all in bands togther off and on. But, I would say it became concrete with You, Coward!

Brandon Beglin: So after matt wrote all the songs on his own you guys contributed alot with other instruments like drums and keyboard and harmonica!, how has the new album been received?

Justin Strickland: Well, yeah in the beginning we took his pre-existing material and reworked it. Then we started writing all new material, which was a collaborative effort. Then new album has eight all new songs and two older ones.
Um I feel like we are getting great reactions.

Brandon Beglin: Haha Id sure say so considering you sold out of cds! Now that the group is all together and it is more solidified, do you guys play shows more now? what are your upcoming plans if you have any?

Justin Strickland: Yes we are currently filling up our weekends and Talking about summer tour options. We have applied for the Norman Music Festival and are looking at other festivals as well. Our T-shirts should be ready soon. We are just really excited to get out there and play the music we love for people.

Justin Strickland: Hey I'll be back in a min.

Brandon Beglin: haha sorry i disappeared, i know you have a student so we can finish this up later!

Justin Strickland: Back
Alright, Just let me know when you want to finish it up.

Brandon Beglin: Hey lets finish up thursday if that works?

Justin Strickland: Yeah that works for me.

Brandon Beglin: hey man you ready to finish?

Justin Strickland: Ready

Brandon Beglin: fucking awesome,

What are the influences for the music, at first it was Matt writing the songs with you guys filling in but how has the writing process changed now and are the songs still the same emotional tunes?

Justin Strickland: I was waiting for the"influences" question. And that list is vast and covers so many genres that I would feel guilty to mention this band and that one. I believe the listener will be able to hear our influences. There is no doubt that we have maintained the emotion of the songs and honestly I feel like we have reach a new level for ourselves personally. The writing process varies for us. We don't really have a formula. Its usually what seems natural that we steer towards.

Brandon Beglin: haha such a generic question, well do you think you have impacted the Altus music scene? we have talked about the stuff that goes on there musically before, have you made any good dents to the shit going on there?

Justin Strickland: No No good question! Just too many bands to list. lol I feel like we have certainly been a mainstay in the Altus music scene in one way shape or form. We have always had a band in the mix, somewhere. lol We have done our best to build something we were/are proud of. I guess there are days I would say, " Absolutely, we have made a dent." And then other days I would say the opposite.

Brandon Beglin: So does having Youd Prefer An Astronaut get in the way at all? Assuming that is all still going on

Justin Strickland: No, Not at all. In fact, we have played quite a few shows together. The contrast between the bands allows for some interesting shows and crowds. lol

Brandon Beglin: That sounds awesome, it sure seemed to work when I saw you guys at WOSC but maybe if that damn Judd would play his music then the crowds would just grow, but back to the interview, Where would you want to go on a tour too? Is there any place you strive to go to with the band?

Justin Strickland: I've been west and enjoyed it and the people. Now I'm ready to go east. I've never seen the east coast and I want to horribly. I think we would like to see as much success with this band as possible, Whatever that means?! lol I know we are all in for the long haul.

Brandon Beglin: Haha So when do you think any plans to the east will be made, this summer? Who would you want to play with over here?

Justin Strickland: I hope this summer. I would love for us to play there.

Brandon Beglin: Yeah but who do you want to play with! Expand on that influences you talked about I dont care if its long this is a damn interview youre supposed to talk!

Justin Strickland: Alright Can you give me LIke thirty minutes? I've a lesson I need to do.

Brandon Beglin: Yeah man go for it ill be right here

Justin Strickland: Sweet. THanks!

Brandon Beglin: No problem!

Justin Strickland: Alright

Brandon Beglin: hha your back!

Justin Strickland: Yes sir!

Brandon Beglin: do you remember the last question?!

Justin Strickland: Oh Yeah! Lol Dream list?! Manchester Orchestra, David Bazan, Brand New, Owen, Promise Ring, Death cab for cutie, etc...
But we'll play with just about anybody.

Brandon Beglin: Thats quite a list haha! So now that this new album just came up has the song writing stopped for sometime at the moment?

Justin Strickland: No. Not at all. WE are still working on new material.

Brandon Beglin: Will there be shows more on a regular basis? Did you ever hope that by getting some buzz going in altus you could get some more touring bands to come and play with you guys?

Justin Strickland: Sorry dude! Yeah we're working our way toward being booked friday through sunday of every weekend. Absolutely we wished we could get more touring bands here.

Brandon Beglin: Would you be interested in playing with innards? or are there any other bands in texas or oklahoma that youd like to play with?

Justin Strickland: Like I said we'll play with just about anybody. We do typically stay away from the "hardcore" show arena because we just aren't a good fit. LOL But we do make exceptions from time to time.
For friends and such. lol

Brandon Beglin: haha yeah i get it, I know you guys are all in the group together but do you all still do your side projects?

Justin Strickland: give me a sec

Justin Strickland: hey man, sorry this has been so damn hard to get done.
to answer your last question...... Yes matt and I both still do our side projects. Lazy Bones/ MyBrotherTheArtist

Brandon Beglin: Its not a problem at all! When will the stuff from both of that be available again? I havent heard the new lazy bones but I've heard you!

Justin Strickland: Um........we are about to start recording the new MyBrotherThe Artist album. I can't speak for lazy bones though.

Brandon Beglin: How have the tshirts sales gone? Kaley was supposed to send me a cd once the artwork got done, and the shirts look awesome!

Justin Strickland: Its going great. I'll probably be sold out by tuesday at the rate there going.

Brandon Beglin: Thats so good to hear that you have so much support there in town, alright this interview has been really great, and spanned out over a couple of days as well haha, but lets finish it off with a last questions, sound good?

Justin Strickland: Sounds good.

Brandon Beglin: Great, I want to know how things have changed in your music, or in your own personal lives, or what you have added to The Typist over the years since Matt first started it?

Justin Strickland: Wow. That question is loaded. Well, I feel like our music has gained al ot of maturity by comparison to our early work and that is probably due to the fact that we are no longer sixteen year old punk rockers. hahaha. The Typist is a rock and roll band whereas matts prior project were acoustic. So, in that alone there is a substantial difference. We recently added Matt's brother, Dan Moran, on piano/keyboard. That was easily one of our best ideas so far. We hope that as we grow and change that our music and audience will do so with us.

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