Thursday, January 5, 2012

Options Interview and Music!

Also get the vinyl: Vinyl

(awesome group)
(solo turned into something)
(great interview)

Me: Okay we have an interview with Seth Engel from the group Options!, now Seth tell us the story behind the name Options!

Seth Engel: When I started writing music under that name, all the bands I'd been in had broken up, and this was the only thing left that I had to do. Bands start and bands break up, but I'll always have this. There's also a song by Pedro the Lion called Options, and it really affected me the first time I heard it.

Me: haha so your love from another song inspired the name for your group thats awesome! well tell when Options started up and how it was like having a new outlet

Seth Engel: I've been recording solo for ages, but I began this particular project in 2008. It was definitely refreshing to be totally on my own and not to depend on unreliable people.

Me: Now how has your music changed through the different releases from sound or just anything personal that may have changed your writing

Seth Engel: Most notably, my earlier records are much more acoustic guitar-based whereas the last couple records I've done are loud and electric. Moving out to Chicago has had a profound impact on me, and being around a different scene has definitely influenced the way I think about song structure, chord placement, etc.

Me: When did you make that move to Chicago? and why?

Seth Engel: I moved out here in the fall of 2008 for school, but it's really become more of a home than I ever could've imagined.

Me: Is the response to your music different in chicago than it was in your home town?

Seth Engel: Yeah, definitely. Chicago is just so open and accepting and friendly, and it's definitely helped me grow as a musician and person. I've managed to get a steady band together to play my songs as well, which has never happened before.

Me: haha so what was it like in your home town then? hardcore i assume?

Seth Engel: I'm from suburbs of Philly, and there's a ton of hardcore in the city. Out in the burbs it's pretty hard to get noticed if you don't sound like John Mayer, so while I would play an occasional show, it was nothing compared to what I'm doing now.

Me: What are things like now? shows and more recognition? it seems like the big city has more venues for your music to be heard and surely  more people

Seth Engel: More recognition because of more opportunities. There are tons of venues and it's pretty easy to get shows, which is really nice. My friend Todd is starting a label called Redbeard Records, and he's helping me put out my newest EP on vinyl. That should be out in april, which is really really exciting.

Me: What are you really trying to get across with your music? What inspires you to write such great songs like Times Like These

Seth Engel: I just write about whatever's going on in my life or stuff that I'm thinking. Time Like These was about a girl who I liked, I'm glad you dig it.

Me: Oh you know I dig it haha, What would you say is your best song in your opinion if there is one? 

Seth Engel: I dunno about best, but my favorite one is probably If If If because it's short, direct, and doesn't say too much. Other than that, probably Waterfall.

Me: I'm sure it is hard to pick one of your own songs as your favorite hah, What are your influences? 

Seth Engel: Tim Kinsella (Joan of Arc, etc), David Bazan (Pedro The Lion), and Rob Crow (Pinback, etc) have probably had the biggest impact on my music.

Me: And what are you trying to do with your music? Where are you trying to go with it? Are there certain places that you would like to play and certain people that you would like to play with?

Seth Engel: I'm trying to make a lot of records and play shows. I'd like to be able to tour eventually, too. Playing Lincoln Hall in Chicago or the First Unitarian Church in Philly would be way too cool. I am really lucky to have a great band to play my songs with me live. My friend Bryan Kingsley has been playing guitar with me since 2010, and he's an awesome musician and a great person. This year, I got Mike Nardone to play bass and sing as well as Evan Loritsch on drums. This is definitely the best lineup I've ever had, and I couldn't ask for better people to play with.

Me: Do the guys help on the song writing?! and give good influence and input on the new songs? or is it still mainly you?

Seth Engel: I write all the songs, but I like to let them do their own thing whenever possible. I like the songs to be played closely to the records, but not exactly. I'm hoping to have all of them play a little on my next record, but I'll be doing the bulk of the instrumentation like I usually do.

Me: Well I'm going to finish this up now, its been an awesome interview but how about one last question?

Seth Engel: Yeah, go for it!

Me: Okay now you moved away from your home town, have had a good number of cds recorded and out, moved to chicago and found your niche with this great group of guys that are helping alot with your music, so what did you learn through all of this? do you think youre a different person than you were when you wrote the earlier albums?

Seth Engel: I think I'm the same person, I've just learned a lot about myself and the world around me. I've learned that although doing what makes me happy can often be hard work, it's always worth the effort.

Me: Man thats an awesome answer, and this really has been an amazing interview thank you so much for giving me the opportunity to get to know you and your music better!

Seth Engel: yeah absolutely, thanks for having me.

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